Saturday 18 February 2012

Best 21 Home Remedies For Oily Skin

   If you have oily skin, you will know that it can prove to be the bane of your existence. Acne, eruptions, blackheads - all come uninvited. The bad news for those who have oily skin is that you can expect breakouts and greasiness to get aggravated during your periods, pregnancy, menopause or whenever else your skin feels like doing what it wants.
The good news is that you can keep a tab on your skin with a little help from your kitchen. Here are some home remedies to treat oily skin.

    Oily skin is one of the most common skin conditions all over the world and, although very rarely will it be the cause of some serious medical concern, is known to play a key role in the development of a number of skin conditions such as acne and pimples. Moreover, oily skin also significantly affects the overall aesthetic appeal of the skin, something that is looked upon very seriously in today’s world. Oily skin can be the result of a number of factors such as environmental conditions, lifestyle, hereditary and genetics, as well as hormonal fluctuations and daily diet. It is because of the fact that there are so many factors that play a role in the conditions development that the condition is so wide spread.

Natural Treatments for Oily Skin


   However, it is also because it is so widespread that there are so many different and effective home remedies for oily skin.

  Cucumber is highly regarded for its efficiency in normalizing skin condition. Simply mixing cucumber juice with the cleansing properties of lemon juice is known to be one of the best oily face remedies. However, for best results, it is recommended that you place the mixture in the fridge for sometime before applying it over your face. Allow the mixture to work on your skin for about 30 minutes before washing it off with the help of some warm water.  

Aloe Vera :- Aloe Vera is highly regarded for its work with the skin and one of the most widely used oily skin tips is to take a single leaf of the plant, slice it into two and smear the gel all over your face, once the gel has dried rinse the mask off with the help of some lukewarm water.

  Tomatoes :- “Tomatoes can dry out your oil glands without making your skin parched. They also get rid of pigmentation problems,” says Virdi. If you don’t have time to puree the tomatoes, simply cut them into half and slide the cut pieces over your face.

Egg white :- Apply a mask of egg white all over your face and neck to close pores and tighten your skin. You can also make a mask of one egg white, a teaspoon of lemon, a teaspoon of mint and half a cucumber. Blend and apply for 15-20 minutes.  

Turmeric with raw milk :-  According to Hule, milk that has not been boiled is a very good cleanser, especially since it has cream in it. “When combined with turmeric, it makes a great face mask for oily skin,” she says. Turmeric is antiseptic and will combat the bacteria that cause pimples.
    One last tip from our expert: Hule says you should be careful when using these ingredients. “Do not trust the powders you get in the market because more often than not they will be adulterated,” she says.

 Multani mitti and honey :-  Fuller’s Earth or multani mitti is an excellent absorbent and it cleanses the skin of all oil. Some may find it too drying for their skin. In such cases, it should be combined with honey. “Honey is a light moisturiser. It is a much better option for oily skin than bottled moisturisers,” says beautician Manpreet Virdi.

Red sandalwood with rosewater :- Raktachandan or red sandalwood has been used for cosmetic purposes for centuries in India. “It reduces acne, scars and blemishes,” says beautician Urmila Hule. It also gives your skin a glow. Rosewater will get rid of excess oil and grime.

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PROVEN Natural Home Remedies for Cancer !!!!!!

    A lot of people who are trying to find some way to fight cancer would like to know if there’s some home remedies cancer cures available. This is since they do not want to experience the treatments that could make you almost as sick as the cancer itself. A lot of people have opinions on this matter and it should be talked about with the team of professionals treating you in addition to as getting input from family who’s battling with you. Cancer has to be attacked on a lot of different fronts but even then it’s a really tough opponent that’s claimed millions of lives.
   For every home remedies cancer cures you hear about, you need to research. One might be out there that works for a few people but not enough to consider it a true cure. Occasionally it will work in conjunction with other treatments that are going on and will result in remission. Occasionally all you are able to hope for is to find some home remedies cancer treatment that will help you endure the treatment going on. Even with that, you need to check with your team of doctors to ascertain if there would be any negative interaction with treatments that you’re going through.
   Some of the home remedies cancer treatments you’ll find would be good for helping prevent cancer. Garlic is among the things that could truly help you get healthy or at least healthier and make your body stronger to withstand cancer. Garlic is proven to be a very strong antibiotic that will stimulate the white blood cells effectiveness as well as T cells.
   It could help improve your immunity which, because of cancer treatments, might be compromised. It’s been shown in clinical studies to prevent and, according to some, help cure some forms of cancer. It might be tough but taking a clove or two of garlic daily, either chewing or just swallowing with water, might help increase your rate of getting or staying healthy.
Garlic and turmeric both have shown to have the ability to block tumor nourishment and help starve them or stunt their growth.
   For the sickness and vomiting that happens frequently after chemotherapy, a homeopathic remedy might be cadmium sulphuratum. This can be found at numerous wellness stores or bought online. It’s pretty inexpensive.
   Some of the foods that one consumes will help prevent or fight cancer and are capable home remedies cancer fighters. Tomatoes are known to help with lung cancer in addition to  cervix cancer, throat cancer, and prostate cancer. Raw red cabbage will help as well cooked beats because of the flavanoids present. Spinach would be another helper because of the richness in anti-oxidants such as vitamins C and beta carotene.
    There are more choices available to help fight cancer or at the very least help prevent cancer. It will take a bit of research on your part and a lot of asking and working with those who are working with you. Make certain that you’re going to be able to find things that are home remedies cancer fighters.
As stated numerous times throughout the article, you should consult with your professional health care provider; to determine if there would be any conflict with your regular medical treatment.

Top 6 Diets To Increase Your Good Cholesterol

    We were made to be able to get all the nutrients we need right out of the ground. When it comes to finding diets for good cholesterol you have to look no further that what is available from Mother Nature.
Diets for good cholesterol don’t have to be expensive to make or difficult to prepare, all you need to do is learn to incorporate several key ingredients into as many meals as you can.
Diets to increase Good Cholesterol

These foods are naturally good at helping you get your good cholesterol levels high, your bad levels low and keeping them that way.
Make a list and the next time you go to the grocery store stock up on these things. You can find many recipes that will include one or more of these items or you can just switch out some recipes that you currently have and add these foods instead.


Here you go:

1. Beans. These little wonders are a great source of protein and fiber and they can even help you raise your good levels and lower your bad levels.

2. Salmon. This fish along with others like tuna, sardines and herrings, can also provide a lot of omega 3 acids. This is a great ingredient to help you maintain a healthy  heart.According to the American Heart Association you should eat at least 2 servings of fish per week.

3. Brown rice. Brown rice can provide a high protein  low fat alternative to other side dishes. Another benefit of brown rice? It is a great source of fiber too.  

 4. Apples. You know the whole “apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well, turns out that that is true! Apples have pectin which is a soluble fiber that can decrease the bad cholesterol in the blood stream.
5. Nuts. Many types of nuts are loaded with polyunsaturated fats which can help reduce cholesterol levels. Some of the best are hazel nuts, almonds and walnuts. 
Remember though, that nuts are high in fat so you don’t want to eat too much of them. Limit your intake to a cup a day. 
It is true, too much of a good thing can be bad.

6. Various fruits that are high in antioxidants are a great addition to your diet too. They taste great and can be added to many types of recipes. Blueberries are one example.

     Of course, it’s not just about what you eat, it’s also about what you do. It is important that you move your body and get some exercise.
Many people seem to have a bit of a block when it comes to exercise. They seem to think that it will be hard but that doesn’t have to be the case.
    You can, and should, start small. Simple changes can make a big difference. Just start taking your dog for a walk every day, for example.
   Park a little further away from the store or your office to force yourself walk.
As you can see, there are some simple changes you can make to help you get your cholesterol levels in check. There are many diets for good cholesterol, just find the one that works best for you.

Top 4 Tips On How To Avoid Hair Loss In Men

Hair loss in man
     In our society, a man losing his hair as he ages has long been held as one of those inevitable things in life, such as death and taxes, and that there isn’t anything that can be done to stop it.  Fortunately for many men, science has made advances in understanding what causes hair loss and finding effective ways to stop it and possibly even reverse it.  That means that you can learn how to avoid hair loss in men.
Scientists used to think that baldness was an inherited trait, but new research is showing that that may not be the case.  We now know that an overabundance of the hormone DHT might actually play a role in hair loss.  When your body has too much DHT it tends to lead to what is called Follicular miniaturization. That means the hair shaft becomes smaller and smaller over time.
Hair  Loss

    Here are some things you can start doing right now.  These tips will help you keep your hair and scalp healthy so you can minimize the effects of DHT and stop, or at least slow down, your hair loss:

1. Keep your head clean.  All the hair products you use on a day to day basis can build up on your scalp and prevent the hair follicles from growing properly.  Thoroughly washing your scalp every day can help remove that buildup which can  keep the coast clear for new hair growth.

2.  Great hair starts on the inside.
No part of your body can function at it’s best if your body isn’t getting the nutrition it needs.  Eating a well balanced diet will pay many dividends, not the least of which is healthy hair.   Make sure you get plenty of zinc, copper, and lean protein in your diet by eating things like: fish, leafy green vegetables and eggs.  Also make sure to drink plenty of water, that will keep your body and your hair properly hydrated.

3.  Use shampoos that amp up the hair you still have. These volumizing shampoos can make your hair thicker so use them on a regular basis.

4.  You can also make a trip to your doctor or your local pharmacy.
There are many prescription and over the counter hair loss treatments that have shown to be effective for some men.  Remember, not all products work for all people so it may be necessary for you to do a little trial and error.  Also keep in mind that many of the prescription drugs for hair loss have a lot of unpleasant side effects.  Carefully discuss these possible side effects with your doctor or pharmacist before you choose which product to use.
We’re  lucky we live in a day and age where science is learning more and more about many of things we had for so long thought to be inevitable.  We now know that we can learn how to avoid hair loss in men.  By following the simple tips above you can dramatically reduce your hair loss and maybe even regrow some of the hair you’ve lost.

Home Remedies for Heartburn


      Just as in ancient times, people today consider making home remedies to treat a multitude of illnesses, conditions, and injuries normal. Of course, there are some revolutionary prescription medications and treatments considered highly beneficial but unfortunately, many people depend on conventional medication and treatments as a band aid rather than look at natural remedies as cures.
A prime example is seen with heartburn, a common problem that could easily be controlled using heartburn home remedies. Using this particular condition as an example, we wanted to so people just how easy, convenient, affordable, effective, and safe it is to make remedies at home.
One important note is that anyone thinking about treating heartburn with home remedies should spend some time learning about benefits and potential side effects of any ingredients being considered. However, the majority of organic and 100% natural ingredients used would produce little or no side effects at all.

Heartburn Definition and Causes
Before getting into beneficial heartburn home remedies, it is important to understand what this condition is and what causes is. That way, a person would be able to recognize true heartburn, making it easier to determine if perhaps something else might be going on to warrant a trip to the doctor. After all, there are some serious health conditions that have symptoms very similar to those associated with heartburn to include heart attack.
To begin, heartburn affects approximately 40% of the US population, making this a common condition. The burning sensation and heaviness a person feels with heartburn is caused by acid reflux that develops when the lower esophageal sphincter opens to allow acid to back up within the esophagus.
Often, lifestyle changes is all a person needs to do but other times, heartburn home remedies or even prescription medication would be required. The following are examples of changes an individual could make to get heartburn under control and prevent future problems.
  • Chewing food should be done slowly so saliva can help with proper digestion and effectively neutralize stomach acid
  • Stop smoking and reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption
  • Avoid high fat, fried, and spicy foods
  • Lose extra weight that puts pressure on the abdomen, which in turn causes the lower esophageal sphincter to open. In the case of pregnancy, an OB/GYN could offer a pregnant woman safe suggestions.
  • Find ways to reduce stress levels
  • Consume six small meals a day opposed to three large ones
  • Be sure diet consists of enough fiber
  • Sleep with pillows that elevate the torso

Effective and Safe Remedies
Below we listed excellent heartburn home remedies that should be considered along with lifestyle changes mentioned above. While a person with heartburn would benefit greatly from any of the suggestions provided, remember that a multitude of additional remedies could be found online or in alternative medicine books.
  • Aloe Vera – Most people know about aloe vera gel being used to treat burns but in addition, this plant works wonders for heartburn. In fact, among all heartburn home remedies, aloe vera is considered one of the most beneficial because it aids digestion, helps absorb foods, possesses anti-inflammatory fatty acids, contains high levels of enzymes that neutralize stomach juices, and even improves blood circulation to the entire digestive system.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – This ingredient is popular for treating a number of health issues with one being heartburn. While acid reflux is the primary cause of heartburn, this condition can also develop when the body believes stomach acid is insufficient. With this, stomach cells would receive signals telling them to produce even more acid, leading to heartburn. To trick the mind and body, weak acid such as apple cider vinegar introduced to the body would stop inaccurate signals from being sent. Simple mix two tablespoons of vinegar in eight ounces of warm water and drink slowly.
  • Barley Grass – Rich in key nutrients, proteins, and vitamins, barley grass has natural anti-inflammatory properties to help repair esophagus lining cells caused by heartburn.
  • Cabbage Juice – Many people are surprised to learn that cabbage juice helps with heartburn but when a person drinks six ounces on an empty stomach each day, the gastrointestinal tract becomes calm.
  • Herbal Tea – Throughout history, herbal tea has been one of the most popular heartburn home remedies, something that still works great today. Following are specific types of teas that work best. Keep in mind that for the best results, only organic or 100% natural dried tea leaves should be used.
    • Chamomile – The chamomile flower possesses natural anti-inflammatory properties and produces a calming effect. Three to four cups of cold tea daily after meals and then another cup prior to bedtime would suffice.
    • Chicory – Known to aid in the digestive process, cold tea made from the plant’s leaves or roots would produce the same results.
    • Cinnamon – It is a known fact that cinnamon helps to neutralize stomach acid and possesses antiseptic properties. For this reason, cold cinnamon tea is another one of the best heartburn home remedies.
    • Gingerroot – Most people get quicker and better relief by drinking cold tea after meals. In this case, fresh ginger should be used to keep the problem of reflux under control. However, for immediate relief from burning heartburn, an individual can actually chew on a piece of fresh gingerroot.
    • Lavender/Aniseed – Another great herbal tea for heartburn is made with equal parts of fresh lavender and aniseed. This particular tea would help with heartburn whether enjoyed hot or cold.
  • Licorice Root – Even for severe cases a number of heartburn home remedies would work. For instance, powdered licorice root actually helps heal the esophagus lining that can become damaged due to chronic excess acid.
  • Slippery Elm – This herb has a long history of being an effective treatment for heartburn. In this case, swelling and pain associated with the esophagus is controlled but in addition, slippery elm is capable of creating a protective barrier from acid.

Home Remedies for Acne

      Flawless skin is something that many people envy but also something not easily achieved. Thanks to the abundance of skincare products, having beautiful skin is possible but for some people, problems with acne make this goal difficult, if not impossible to reach. While there are new medications and innovation treatments available, many people prefer to take a more natural approach by using home remedies for acne.
Even this option for making skin healthier and more flawless offers incredible possibilities. Because there is a growing number of people interested in solutions for better health and skin, scientists and researchers have spent countless hours investigating organic and 100% natural ingredients. As a result, the most effective and safest home remedies for acne are formulated with both newly discovered and ancient ingredients.

Overview of Acne
   Before we talk about some of the better home remedies for acne, it helps to gain a better understanding of what this particular skin condition is and why it becomes a problem. In simple terms, when skin pores become clogged with sebum, which is oil naturally produced by the body, coupled with dirt, an infection ensues. Even with daily cleansing, unless pores are unclogged completely and oil production decreases, acne would be a chronic problem.
For many people, acne breakouts can be reduced or prevented by having a good daily regimen of cleaning, toning, and moisturizing the skin but when oil production is out of control, no amount of hygiene would help until that problem has been addressed. Since someone in this situation would already have acne, after reducing the level of oil production it would be essential to turn to conventional medication and/or treatments, or home remedies for acne.
Because the face needs a certain amount of sebum to be healthy, the challenge becomes reducing too much while still giving the skin what it needs. Before considering any of the home remedies for acne mentioned in this article, as well as those found online, in books, or from doctors, it would be important to bring sebum production to a normal level. For this, an individual could take natural vitamin A supplements, adding liver to the diet, and cleansing the skin several times a day would help.

Key Information about Home Remedies
   Following this section, we provided some of the most effective and safest ingredients used in making home remedies for acne. We also wanted to mention that every person’s skin responds in a unique way so just because there might be people with the same type of skin but also degree of acne problem does not mean the same remedy would work. Therefore, an individual might need to try more than one home remedy before finding the one that works best.
In addition, before any suggested and researched home remedies for acne are tried on facial skin, it would be highly recommended to test a small area of skin somewhere inconspicuous on the body. That way, if there were to be any kind of negative or allergic reaction, it would be on skin that would be well hidden. Remember, the following home remedies for acne are just a few samples of what options exist.

Aloe Vera
   Aloe vera in its natural state or a commercial get has been used for a long time specific to burns and minor wounds. It has now been realized that aloe vera is an excellent ingredient for people interested in home remedies for acne. This plant possesses natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight infection but repair and rejuvenate the skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar
   Another one of the best ingredients used when making home remedies for acne is apple cider vinegar. This too has been used for a long time and for a variety of health issues but because it has the capacity to protect the skin’s inner layer from bacterial invasion, it works incredible well for people with acne. For the best results, cotton balls would be dipped in a mixture of one part water and one part apple cider, and then applied to the skin to help unclog pores.

Baking Soda
   Along with using baking soda for baking, it is an ingredient that offers a number of benefits, which is why it has been used in shampoo, toothpaste, bath salts, and shaving cream products. Baking soda has antifungal and antiseptic properties that remove dirt, sanitize, and regulate the skin’s pH level. Creating paste made from water and baking soda would be applied to the skin, left on for about 30 minutes, and then rinsed off with cold water.
   Garlic is another common ingredient used in the kitchen but it too offers relief from acne. Through research and testing, medical professionals learned that garlic is beneficial to a person’s health by lowering cholesterol levels, reducing arthritic pain, lowering high blood pressure, and even helping certain types of cancerous tumors to shrink. However, garlic is also a great ingredient used in home remedies for acne. Using fresh, mashed garlic with a little water and then applying it to the skin would kill bacteria.

Tea Tree Oil
   The last ingredient we wanted to mention is called tea tree oil. This oil comes from a tree that grows in Australia called the Melaleuca alternofalfia. Having both antibiotic and antifungal properties, this type of natural oil can be diluted with water and then applied to the skin with a cotton ball. In addition to easing irritation and clearing up skin, tea tree oil has also been shown to reduce signs of scarring associated with this particular skin disorder.

Home Remedies for Cough

Home Remedies
    Whether from a cold, allergies, smoking, mucus secretions, foreign particles, or some other irritant, a cough could be effectively treated with remedies made at home opposed to conventional medication. Although there are some people who feel more confident in having a cough treated with medication, others prefer to take a more natural approach by using home remedies for cough.

   Keep in mind that there would be times when seeking medical attention is warranted for a cough. For instance, if a cough were persistent, had worsened, was not healed through various types of treatments, or was coupled with other physical symptoms such as fever, chills, spitting up blood, and so on, there could be something serious going on. By talking to a doctor, tests could be performed to determine the underlying cause, followed by an appropriate treatment being recommended.

    On the other hand, if a person had a cough associated with nothing serious, remedies made at home would be a viable option. In fact, there are multiple opportunities when it comes to home remedies for cough, as shown with the few examples provided. Of course, many other remedies could be found online or provided by holistic or homeopathic doctors. With this, a person suffering from acne could bring the problem under control and prevent serious outbreaks in the future, all without side effects associated with standard medicine.

Safe and Effective Remedies
Below are some of the best home remedies for cough that people use. The ingredients involved are easy to find and affordable so making any of the following recipes would be a breeze.
  • Cumin Seeds, Peppercorns, and Garlic Flakes – For this, one tablespoon of cumin seeds and peppercorn, along with a few garlic flakes would be boiled in one cup of water for a few minutes. After straining, honey for flavor would be added to the liquid and then drank. Although the taste is somewhat rough, this particular remedy works great for calming a cough.
  • White Pepper, Corn Powder, and Honey – Another one of the best home remedies for cough is made with one-half teaspoon of white pepper, two tablespoons of corn powder, and a small amount of honey to make a paste. For a persistent cough, a small teaspoon of the mixture would be consumed two times a day.
  • Pepper Powder, Turmeric, Honey, and Milk – For this remedy, a cup of milk would be warmed and to this, a pinch of turmeric, one-half teaspoon of pepper powder, and honey for flavor would be added. When sipped on, this solution has a great soothing effect.
  • Ginger, Water, and Honey – Two inches of fresh garlic would be crushed and then boiled in one cup of water for about five minutes. The mixture would be strained and honey added for sweet flavor. For someone with a cough, this has been shown to work great.
  • Ginger, Water, Holy Basil Leaves, and Honey – Tea made from boiling fresh garlic and holy basil leaves with water, strained, and sweetened with honey is another great possibility when it comes to home remedies for cough.
  • Red Pepper, Ginger, Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, and Water – In this case, paste would be made by mixing a small amount of red pepper, ground ginger, apple cider vinegar, and again, honey for flavor. As with many home remedies for cough, one to tablespoons of the paste would be added to hot water or milk and then sipped.
  • Spinach Juice – Whether by using a juicing machine or purchasing fresh spinach juice, drinking warm juice is a great way to get relief from a dry cough.
  • Coconut Milk, Cuscus Grass, and Honey – A drink would be created using one-quarter cup of coconut milk, three-quarters cup of cuscus grass, and one to two tablespoons of pure honey.
  • Lemon Juice, Honey, and Cinnamon – We wanted to mention this as another one of the top home remedies for cough. One quarter cup of fresh lemon juice would be mixed with one-quarter tablespoon of finely ground cinnamon powder and one tablespoon honey. To stop a hacking cough, the mixture would be sipped on.
  • Cumin Seeds, Split Pigeon Peas, Turmeric Powder, Salt, Tamarind Juice, Ghee, Curry Leaves, Mustard Seeds, Asafetida Powder, Rice, and Water – One of the interesting home remedies for cough is soup using these ingredients. One tablespoon cumin seeds and split pigeon peas would be ground. Two cups of water would be boiled, turmeric powder, salt, and tamarind juice added, and when smell lessens, pea and cumin seed powder would be added. The mixture would be boiled and then simmered five minutes. Four cups water added, brought to a boil, ghee, curry leaves, mustard seeds, and asafetida powder added, water reduced, and rice added.